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You can also add your articles, links, websites, videos, pictures, for free if you like to our blog registry by simply following the following steps in the comments section of our blog registry.

Use the @EmperorDarroux_ #type_whatever_you_want_to_say_following_this_pattern_of_writing_#_then_underscore_in_the_comments_section_of_any_of_our_blog_posts_it_will_automatically_add_it_to_Google_Twitter_and_all_the_other_social_network_search_engines_as_well_

The following in brackets is an illustration of the underscore ( _ ) and this is the pound sign to use also in brackets for you to see ( # )
Let me know if you have any more questions thanks
Or to simplify things even further, just use any twitter user name of your choosing even yours, an example of a twitter username is (@EmperorDarroux) then simply add the # sign before any word you choose to make that word a key word and searchable by the search engines. Here is an example in brackets of how to make a word a key word and searchable in all social networks and search engines ( #Toy here is another example #game ). Using the # sign in combination with the underscore sign _ makes the word, sentence, paragraph or phrase not only register on my blog registry and searchable by you or others on all search engines and social networks. It goes one step further it makes them trend on twitter and even possibly face book, the following illustration in brackets is an example of how a sentence, phrase, or keywords can be constructed so as to enable the entire remaining conversation article, link etc... to trend and gain even more exposure for free on the aforementioned blog and social network platforms. ( @EmperorDarroux #Hey_check_out_my_new_youtube_video_ #place video link here  and your done) here is another example ( @EmperorDarroux #This_website_offers_10% discount on brand name shoes #Place website address here).

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